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Lima, Perú. 1987

Chávez-Alcorta is a Lima-based multidisciplinary visual artist. He graduated in 2009 with two Gold medals for excellence from the Visual Arts School “Corriente Alterna,” where he enrolled in 2004 with a full scholarship earned after obtaining first place in the “II ‘Scholarship to be an Artist’ Competition.” In 2007 he was awarded first place at the “XVII Young Artists National Competition” and received an honorary mention for the “III National Painting Competition.” In 2015 he is one of the 9 finalists in the French-Peruvian "Pasaporte para un Artista" competition.


He has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in venues such as “Sala Luis Miró Quesada Garland," "Spain Cultural Center – Lima," "Museum of Contemporary Art – Arequipa," "Museum of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru." His work has been part of projects in Lucia de la Puente, Vértice, Enlace and CEDE galleries. Parallel to his artistic production, between 2010 and 2017 he was an academic tutor and professor for the art and photography programs at Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School; and he was also a professor for the fashion program at “Mod’Art - International Institute of Arts and Fashion”


The work of Chávez-Alcorta explores and experiments between concepts and techniques (painting, installation and video/performance), because his interest is creative versatility. With his projects he seeks to generate questions, satirizing and boldly inviting the viewer, in an ironic and playful way, to critically analyze the elements and symbols with which he is confronted every day.

Through these processes he deconstructs his learning and past, seeking to highlight social problems that are not perceptible at first glance, playing with the duality between the superficial and the reflective, which is a reflection of the reality he perceives.



2009 - 2004

Visual Arts Graduate

Awarded two gold medals for excellence

Escuela de Artes Visuales Corriente Alterna / Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School

2004 – 2002

Drawing, Painting, and Sculpting Workshops

Escuela de Artes Visuales Corriente Alterna / Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School


Teaching & Tutoring

2017 - 2010

Teacher for the Art Program

Visual Fundamentals/Composition & Painting Subjects

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School

2017 - 2014

Academic Tutor for the Art Program

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School

2017 - 2015

Teacher for the Photography Program

Visual Fundamentals/Color Theory Subjects

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School

2017 - 2011

Teacher for the Fashion Program

Visual Communication, Research Methodology & Color Theory Subjects

Mod’Art Peru - International Institute of Arts and Fashion

Solo Exhibitions



ESTUDIO 121. Lima - Perú.


Abrir Galeria. Miami - USA. Lima - Perú.



"Ephemeral / Efímero"

Espacio Fugitivo. Lima - Perú.


"Forbidden Color / El Color Prohibido"

Sala Siete Setenta. Lima - Perú.


"Animal Heart / Corazón de Animal"

Arábica Space. Lima - Perú.




Sala Luis Miró Quesada Garland . Municipalidad de Miraflores

Group Exhibitions



"Post-digital Updates / Actualizaciones Post-Digitales"

Galería John Harriman. CC Británico. Lima - Perú.


"South = South / Sur es Sur"

Galería Enlace Arte Contemporáneo. Lima - Perú.




Galería Juan Pablo Heeren. ICPNA. Lima - Perú.

"Confluence / Confluencia"

Casa de la Cultura. San Isidro. Lima - Perú.


"Constitution / Constituciones"

Galería L'Imaginaire. Alianza Francesa de Lima - Perú.

"A Mar"

Galería Lucia de la Puente. Yacht Club Ancón.



Galería CEDE. Asia Golf Club. 



"Freedom: Me & the Others / Libertad: Yo y los Otros"

Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 



"Moment / Momento"

Espacio Momento. Lima - Perú.



“ART Lima – International Art Fair” / "ART LIMA - Feria Internacional de Arte"

Chorrillos Military School / Escuela Superior de Guerra del Perú. Lima - Perú.


“Through her eyes” / "A través de sus ojos”

Sala Miró Quesada Garland. Miraflores Municipality / Municipalidad de Miraflores

Corriente Alterna Art Gallery / Galería Corriente Alterna. Lima – Perú


“Sweetheart, my love” / “Amorcito Corazón”

Ricardo Palma Cultural Center / Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma. Miraflores Municipality / Municipalidad de Miraflores. Lima – Perú



“Pedagogy” / “Pedagogías”

Corriente Alterna Art Gallery / Galería Corriente Alterna. Lima – Perú


“HomoLudens / UrbeLudens”

El Olivar Cultural Center / Centro Cultural El Olivar. Vértice Art Gallery / Galería Vértice. San Isidro Municipality / Municipalidad de San Isidro. Lima – Perú


“Showcase” / “Muestrario”

Corriente Alterna Art Gallery / Galería Corriente Alterna. Lima – Perú



“III National Painting Competition” / "III Concurso Nacional de Pintura BCRP"

Inca Garcilaso Cultural Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Perú.

Centro Cultural Inca Garcilaso del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Lima – Perú


“Fish Bladder I” / “Vejiga de Pez I”

Resident artist at Zona 30 / Zona 30 Intersticios – Residencia. Lima – Perú



Casona 340. Miraflores


“II National Painting Competition” / "II Concurso Nacional de Pintura BCRP"

Museum of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru / Museo del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú. Lima – Perú


Lima Art Week 2010 – Semana del Arte Lima 2010

“My other self” / "Mi Otro Yo”
Parra del Riego Cultural Center / Centro Cultural Parra del Riego



“Urban Imaginary” / "Imaginarios Urbanos”

Coco De Mer Gallery. Lima – Perú



“Night of Art” Silent Auction
“Noche de Arte” Subasta Silenciosa
Peruvian North American Cultural Institute / Congress of the Republic of Peru

ICPNA - Congreso de la República del Perú


“XVII Young Artists National Competition – Cerro Verde Award”
“XVII Concurso Nacional de Artistas Jóvenes - Premio Cerro Verde”

Spain Cultural Center / Centro Cultural de España. Lima – Perú



“XVII Young Artists National Competition – Cerro Verde Award”
“XVII Concurso Nacional de Artistas Jóvenes - Premio Cerro Verde”

Museum of Contemporary Art / Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Arequipa – Perú Diego Quispe Tito Fine Arts School / Escuela de Bellas Artes Diego Quispe Tito. Cuzco - Perú



Awards and Distinctions




"XVIII French Peruvian Pasaporte para un Artista 2015 Competition"

Embassy of France in Peru




“III National Painting Competition” / "III Concurso Nacional de Pintura BCRP"

Central Reserve Bank of Peru / Banco Central de Reserva del Perú



Honorary Mention

“II National Painting Competition” / "II Concurso Nacional de Pintura BCRP"

Central Reserve Bank of Peru / Banco Central de Reserva del Perú



Gold Medal for Excellence

1st Place in Graduating Class 2009

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School / Escuela de Artes Visuales Corriente Alterna


Gold Medal for excellent trayectory throughout studies.

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School / Escuela de Artes Visuales Corriente Alterna



1st Place

XVII Young Artists National Competition – Cerro Verde Award
XVII Concurso Nacional de Artistas Jóvenes - Premio Cerro Verde

Peruvian North American Cultural Center – Cerro Verde Mining Company

Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano – Minera Cerro Verde



1st Place
“Scholarship to be an Artist” II Competition / II Concurso Beca Para Ser Artista

Full Scholarship – 5 years of Visual Arts program

Corriente Alterna Visual Arts School / Escuela de Artes Visuales Corriente Alterna





  • Línea y Cuerpo

Drawings of contemporary Peruvian artists

Felipe Mayuri Poma & Iván Fernández-Dávila Editores (2010)




  • Assisted in the set up for British artist Martin Creed’s exhibition at the Museo de Arte de Lima MALI. October 2012.

  • Assisted in the set up for the “Degusté” exhibition for the performance of French duo “La Cellule” of Emmanuelle Becquemin and Stéphanie Sagot. Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art – Lima “Mac-Lima”, and the Embassy of France in Perú. February 2009.

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